Relationships flourish with mutual respect and when all parties feel valued. The same is true in business. When customers or patients feel valued, they can grow your business or practice. If they don’t, they can stop it in its tracks.
People are savvy. With access to endless information, they’re able to research a multitude of options, so they’re quick to go elsewhere if they are feeling undervalued or unappreciated. They know there’s always someone out there who will appreciate their patronage. And they’re not afraid to seek out alternatives.
Being easily accessible is a key to keeping customers or patients feeling like they’re valuable to you. When you ensure there’s always a professional available to answer their call, it’s reassuring and builds loyalty. People take note when their incoming communication is promptly answered by someone who is ready to assist them. Don’t trap customers in an annoying voicemail maze. If they’re not responded to quickly by a live person, there’s an 80% chance they’ll hang up and head elsewhere.
A 24/7 live answering service gives everyone peace of mind. You know that a trained professional is at the ready to respond. And your customers or patients know you value them enough to be there when they need you. When they’re satisfied, respected and feel valued, they’re the most valuable to your business.
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